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Sugon has long focused on the research of financial business, combined with Sugon liquid-cooled data center, IT infrastructure, cloud storage and other solutions to build a business support platform for the efficient operation of the financial industry, and promote the effective integration of information resources and information sharing in the financial industry.
1.1. Industry Overview
The whole financial industry has been gradually informationized, especially the increasingly growing electronic payment sector characterized by large amount of business concurrency, large amount of data and fast business growth. Therefore, high demands have been made on the back office business processing system because of the huge amount of business processing needs. With cloud computing technology, everything is resource, and electronic payment capacity is also a kind of service for enterprise and individual users. Depending on the safe and convenient electronic means of payment, e-business is also entering into its rapid growth period. More and more users are online buying commodities and services, and new business modes are continuously emerging, and the network economy morphology and the real economy morphology are going towards integration. The financial industry hopes to build and integrate the dispersed IT resources within the industry, which can provides services for the operation and development of the whole financial industry.
1.2. Solution architecture
Sugon financial industry cloud platform computing resource pool is designed mainly by adopting the concept of business area (i.e. physical resources areas with the server cluster at the core). Business area is the basic hardware composing unit of the system, and the system is totally composed of several business areas. The system scale can be enlarged by adding the number of business areas, so the system has very good expansibility.
1.3. Solution Advantages
- Proper positioning - financial cloud computing center positions itself to support the business. Regarding the selection of technology and product for planning, designing and implementing the cloud computing platform, the standard is to see if they suit the application rather than if they are the best quality or the newest technology.
- Focusing on only one type of business-basing on the professional feature of the financial industry, it is supposed to tightly combined with the financial business line.
- New mode - the mode of cluster computing can generate more efficient operation and maintenance, so that to focus emphasis on the application.
- Performable technology – the technology Sugon selects for the financial cluster building not only has scientific and advanced theoretical foundation, but also can be referenced by the overseas best practices. So the performability of the technical solution is ensured.
- Easy management - manageability is emphasized in the financial cluster computing building. The cloud management platform fully demonstrates automatic management of the resources and has realized the purpose of optimizing the resource use and simplifying the operation and maintenance.
Dawning Information Industry Co.,Ltd. Sugon Building, No.36 Zhongguancun Software Park, No.8 Dongbeiwang West Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100193
Tel:+86 400-810-0466
Fax:+86 10-56308222
Dawning Information Industry Co.,Ltd. Sugon Building, No.36 Zhongguancun Software Park, No.8 Dongbeiwang West Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100193
Tel:+86 400-810-0466
Fax:+86 10-56308222